Tuesday, June 28, 2016

2012 San Mateo, CA - Revisited

Back in 2012, I was given the good fortune of being assigned for training for our work in the USA. I was working in San Mateo, it's a not-so-often-heard place that I haven't heard from any Hollywood movie. It's located around 20 miles south of San Francisco. Unlike the crowded 'Frisco though, it's actually very peaceful and quiet. It is by far among the best surprises I ever had. The town is very upscale and folks are friendly. This is one of the few places that I'll definitely remember. 

Playgound At Night

I got a good chance to take evening walks and a nice camera at the time. Here are some of the pictures I've taken around town. There are a lot of parks here, this one in particular is in the residential area. 

Saratoga Square Playground

Saratoga Square

Saratoga Monochrome

Shadow At The Field

Midnight Picnic, Anyone?

Generous Sidewalks

Hi From This Side

Hello From The Other Side


Artificial Stream

Mximum Weight

Quiet Streets

Other than my long exposure shots, I also got a good chance to shoot the moon while testing my then-new lens, the Samyang 500mm f/8. It's a decent lens, to say the least.

Heavenly Mooncutter!

The bulk of my shots are here in my old storage: PHOTOBUCKET

Until then, don't let getting lost scare you from going out to wander! :)

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