Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ola Taal Vista!

It was my cousin's wedding. My family and I had the opportunity to go to Tagaytay. It's been over a year since I've gone to the place and I somewhat missed the scenic view. Driving there was a bit challenging for me and the car. Mostly for the car, traveling uphill while carrying three overweight adults and their bags. 

The Hotel

We arrived at the hotel the day before the wedding, with all our fancy clothes in tow. But no, this isn't about the wedding. This is about the interesting place I've found with a lovely view.

Uneven Distribution

Empty Chairs

Entrance Lobby

Hotel Cafe


Stepping Out

Take A Picture

The View Beyond

Open Viewing Deck

Cloudy Skies

Sun Kissed Peak

Gloomy Wheel

Layers Upon Layers

Colored Clouds

Looking On

Vast Expanse


Blue Evening Clouds

Looking From Afar

Dance Practice

Under The Tree

By now it's already nightfall. We headed out to my auntie's place and had dinner and spent most of the night there. Midnight came, and we had to go back to the hotel. Upon returning, I've sought this out. The viewing deck looked like a lovely spot and I wondered what the view looked like at night.

Under The Speckled Sky

Shadow Figure

Hallway Back

Until then, don't let getting lost scare you from going out to wander! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Grainy And Gritty

Maybe it's some petty fear of missing out, but despite the appeal of black and white, I still take pictures in color. Black and white, however, appeals to me enough for me to bother converting and tweaking in post.

Mall Skylight

I had the chance to have lunch with family, and had the chance to bring along my Penny mounted with this amazing yet relatively cheap bodycap lens. It's fairly ideal for going light, and for taking monochromes. I always had a soft spot for monochromes, I got to indulge in it on this set.

 Drink For Lunch

Wine In Cabinets

Octopus Chandelier

Cheese,  Nuts And Bread

Gambas Al Ajillo

Pulpo ala Gallega

Among Wines

To those possibly curious, this is how the bodycap looks like. It's practically a toy lens to many, given an image quality that's not on par with"proper" lenses. However, I can't deny it's fun to use.

Until then, don't let getting lost scare you from going out to wander! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Burgers And Brewskies Night

It has been a stressful past few weeks for me. Work and other stuff have been piling up left and right, I hardly have fun on weekends anymore and I'm beginning to become a recluse. A college buddy of mine expressed having similar woes, and so we decided to unwind a bit over some cold drinks. It's been a while since we hung out - It's a routine overdue of another iteration. Come to think of it, I think we've been doing this for a decade already. This post will be of food. Bon apetit!

Just One Drink

Fish Poppers

Bacon ChicharrĂ³n

Kandi Burger

Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate Pudding

While there's no overly interesting, elaborate and convoluted story that turned out like the Hangover movies (The bane of trying to be a responsible adult would be relatively pedestrian stories I guess?), at the end of the night I had a good laugh - He mentioned he didn't know I brought my ride and said he didn't see it in the parking lot. Turns out he parked his car right beside mine. Yeah he's going senile. LOL

It'll be awhile before I walk off the stuff I ate tonight. So I guess I'd be wandering a lot. Until then, don't let getting lost scare you from going out to wander! :)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

More Baritas

This would be the sequel I think. The previous set can be found here. I love drinking decent coffee so much that I made friends with quite a number of these warm, hard working and patient folks. Being a Barista is a bit of both mastery of coffee and good public relations I think. Mind you it can get stressful. Especially on days when customers like me tend to get extra annoying. The next time you enjoy your cup of coffee, spare a thought for these hardworking yet still cheerful folks. 

What's My Favorite Drink?

Shang And Sugar

Behind The Counter

Confident Smile

Here Ya Go

What's My Name?

Quiet Cool

Behind The Counter



The 3AM Crowd

Starbucks Bonifacio Stopover

Cheers All Over

Once again, I had a great time during these weekend nights. I've enjoyed drinking coffee a lot and it doesn't look like I'll quit anytime soon. It will always be something I drink, albeit in different forms. Overtime I've made friends with a number of Baristas from this habit, and hopefully make more friends. Whether I admit it or not, talking to one will always be a part of my day. So why not get all friendly? I've always enjoyed the usual drink, being both tasty and potent. I swear by it and it won't change anytime soon. Feel free to say hi if you catch me drinking coffee in real life. Maybe we can hang out and chat a bit over a cup of java? (Uh no, this isn't a networking offer. Not gonna recruit you to anything.) Until then, don't let getting lost scare you from going out to wander! :)

My gratitude to the awesome baristas for letting me take their pictures and share them here.

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