Thursday, March 3, 2016

Our Home Away From Home

This cozy place is called Marriott Residence Inn. It's our home away from home. This album showcases some interesting spots in it. I think it's a homely and cozy place. It looks more like a compound than a hotel building. The rooms are complete and have generous spaces too. Uh, no, I won't have pictures of what my room looks like.

Settling In

Walking Cold

Laundry Room

Pool Area

Alleys For Hallways

Unidentified Alley

Drinking Spot

No Stars Tonight

Sports Amenities

Guest Lounge

Audio Visual Entertainment

Sight And Sound

Seats For Seven

Best Seat In The Room

High Ceiling

Under The Umbrella

Unfortunately, we only lasted a week here. It wasn't all bad though. After this we went on to visit Music City- Nashville, Tennessee!

Until then, let's get lost and wander! ;)

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