Thursday, March 24, 2016

Our Stay In Nashville Hosted By Hilton Garden Inn

Hilton Garden Inn

Our stay in Nashville has proven to be enjoyable. Yes, it was work, flight was terrible due to delays and close calls in our flights going to and from Atlanta, but while we were in Nashville, after work hours were awesome hours. What made it better was the fact that our hotel was located right in the middle of Downtown, surrounded by awesome places, and our office was only a block away. I especially like the convenience of the hotel we stayed in. If I'm ever back in Nashville, I'd definitely pick this place to stay.

Expansive Lobby

Tables For Everyone

Natural Light

Even More Space

Stairway Out

Third Floor Pool




Korean Veterans Boulevard Bridge

Korean Veterans Boulevard Bridge Up Close

John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge

Above The Balcony

Parking Lot

Uh, no. Don't ask me what my room looked like. There are more interesting places than that, which I'll feature soon.  Until next time, let's get lost and wander! ;)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nashville Days - Getting To Know

We arrived in Nashville at midnight. Tired and weary, we checked in to the hotel. The hotel was a more traditional looking offering compared to the one we stayed in at California. Went to sleep after that. When I woke up it was almost noon. My co-worker was nowhere to be found, so it was just my boss and I having a stroll downtown. There's an NHL event this week, and the whole place was quite lovely.

New Album Available Here

Blue Skies

Old And New Side By Side

Waiting To Cross

Through The Window

Downtown Broadway

Party On The Road

Classy Way To Tour Around

Old School Charm

Waiting To Cross

At The Stoplight

Peace... But Bite Me.

Advertise Here

For this set I've had quite a number of pictures gathered. I encourage everyone to instead view the album in Flickr, or to enjoy the slide show here:

Stroll With The Boss

Nashville has given me a good impression as to how warm and vibrant it is. Well, we're just getting started. Until then, let's get lost and wander!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Travelling By Plane

While I like travelling in general, especially when the mood hits me, travelling domestic in the US has become a nightmare for me. I'd not generalize though. It's a given that delays are inevitable. I usually won't mind it. It all becomes an ordeal when it means missing the next flight. I have visited Atlanta, GA. I was there... For around half an hour. Running like hell transferring from one terminal to another fearing I'd miss the next flight. It's not something that one easily forgets.

Split Scimitar Winglet

From Atlanta To Nashville

Boeing 717

Big Hole

Boeing 767

More Boeings - In Japan!

Consider this just a quick update. Next up, we're gonna hit downtown Nashville! It is actually a charming place and I loved it! Until then, let's get lost and wander! ;) 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Where Were You Today?

Have you seen some drifter wandering around here?
I don't think he's lost enough yet though.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Our Home Away From Home

This cozy place is called Marriott Residence Inn. It's our home away from home. This album showcases some interesting spots in it. I think it's a homely and cozy place. It looks more like a compound than a hotel building. The rooms are complete and have generous spaces too. Uh, no, I won't have pictures of what my room looks like.

Settling In

Walking Cold

Laundry Room

Pool Area

Alleys For Hallways

Unidentified Alley

Drinking Spot

No Stars Tonight

Sports Amenities

Guest Lounge

Audio Visual Entertainment

Sight And Sound

Seats For Seven

Best Seat In The Room

High Ceiling

Under The Umbrella

Unfortunately, we only lasted a week here. It wasn't all bad though. After this we went on to visit Music City- Nashville, Tennessee!

Until then, let's get lost and wander! ;)

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