Sunday, February 28, 2016

Around California

We came here for work. I managed to somehow steal some snaps along the way especially outside work. I tend to forget my photographic side when at the office due to immense tasks we tackle day in and day out. This album has some shots I have taken outside the office, during the weekend before work, or on some nights after working.

Light Through The Clouds

Office Building

By night time we went to this place called Red Ribbon-- I mean, Red Robin. They sure do how to make good food. Unlimited fries and a hefty serving of burger. It's about as American as it gets... 

Comical Chandelier

Picture Frames On The... Ceiling?

Where's the wall?

How we spent Sunday Morning- Shopping! We went to buy some winter wear, in preparation for the weather in Nashville. Disappointingly, though, we weren't destined to frolic in the snow. At least not on this trip.

At Hillsdale Mall

St. Francis on Horseback


Indoor Palm Trees

Sky Light

Two Chairs

Jeans Lounge

Ladies Wear On Display

Men's Wear On Display

View While Waiting

Studio Lights?

Cylindrical Chandeliers

Random road trips. The boss went to pick up stuff that night in San Jose. Errand for him, Road trip for the rest of us. Nothing like seeing the random sights! Yes, even at night.

Night At San Jose

Picking Up Items

By The Pool

And just like that Sunday was over. On to the work week... Though we came to work relatively late on Monday (We still didn't have the proper access to the facility so we'd end up waiting at the doorstep until 8AM if we came in early.) the following days were a different story. Below is a picture I managed to snap going to work. The office facility was just over the bridge. Coming to work before sunrise meant cold morning walks, which I personally didn't mind.

Morning Walk To Work

The Fish Market


Pictures All Around


Oyster Bar

Spicy Calamari

Next up, We're going to have a glimpse of where we stayed. It wasn't really that high end, but I like the way it was set up. Until then, let's get lost and wander!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Last Leg: LAX to SFO

At last we're back in USA. But we can't settle down just yet. We're not where we want to be. We landed in LAX (LA International Airport) and gone through customs. Predictably, I don't have pictures of those. Folks are pretty paranoid about it for "security reasons". Personally I like SFO better than LAX. Need to have a short break first. And lunch as well. After that, we hit the flight to where we want to be: SFO (San Francisco International Airport). It takes us the better part of the day.
Please excuse the captions, they take a bit of time to load. You can view the complete slide show at the end of the entry.

Filling Station

Foreign Yet Familiar

Waiting And Checking

Power Supply

Sky Dome

Big Clear Labels

View From My Window Seat

Ride To SFO

Hello San Mateo!

I usually enjoy flights... But flights on this plane, not so much. I despise the discomfort and the mind numbing noise here. Unfortunately, this isn't the last of it. It's fine though, there are better things to look forward to.

Conveyor Belt 15

Waiting For The Train

Carrier Has Arrived

Deep Quote Here

Boeing 777-300ER


Minding The Bags

Our Ride For The Week

The pictures above were just some of the stuff I've seen below is the slide show for the whole album.

Last Leg: LAX to SFO

Next time: Sights around San Mateo. Some sights while going around here and there.

Monday, February 8, 2016

2016 Flight To USA

I left my heart in San Francisco. Now I'm coming back... To leave other parts of me on other places I guess. Yes this is my first big adventure for some time. Make no mistake, this journey is for work. But I still enjoy being in a foreign and friendlier country. This album shows the beginning of my big journey. On a side note, I changed the settings in Flickr to ensure it shows the comments. Try clicking on the images if they don't show up upon loading.

Looking Forward

On this entry I'll be geeking out. A lot. Growing up I've been a fan of airplanes, and aviation in general. So yes, I know my Boeing 747 from my Airbus A380 and I can tell apart the A320 from the 737. Please excuse the geek.

Ninoy Aquino International Airport

Shoe Shiners

A Golf Cart?

Which Gate Do You Board On?

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Smaller Jets

Air Asia

On Board

Passenger Tubes

767 or A330?

Moving Walkways

Airbus A330

Free Wi-Fi

Vending Machine

Vending Machines

Lining Up

Patiently Waiting

Boarding Pass and Passports

My Ride To LAX

Segragation In Spaces


Economy Things

Up Above The Sky

View Of LA

Boeing 777?

C-5 Galaxy

Airbus A380

Me, after a long flight.

No, we're not done yet. After this, we go to our last leg of the trip, get our ride on land and see more interesting things! Don't get lost, lest we miss our flight. More to come!

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