Monday, June 22, 2015

An Evening At The Town Center

This is the fourth of my Alabang series. I first got lost in Filinvest and had lunch there. After lunch I regained by bearings and went to my errand. After my errand was done I found Alabang Town Center and marveled at the rather artsy sculptures. After that I took an afternoon stroll and admired the unique architecture and I had an awesome mozzarella dinner. The sun is now setting...

After I had that meal I stepped out yet again...When was the last time you admired the sky?

Orange Clouds
Orange Clouds. It starts to get crowded as sunset approaches. Lots of folks doing the shopping after work. I glanced overhead and saw the sun sinking to the west. The clouds glow a fiery orange that gets more vibrant as the moments pass by before it gets dark.

Fiery Skies
Fiery Skies. I took some steps moving forward to clear the tall nearby trees and I got a treat of an expansive view of the sky. Below I that I see silhouettes of people coming and going beneath the fiery sunset obscured by the buildings.

Meet Up
Meet Up. Moving forward further along the walk way I noticed a group of people beginning to converge. I too a few steps to the side to keep some distance from them and stay relatively unnoticed. I aimed from the hip and took some quick shots. It almost feels like an ad for me to see this group of friends meet up in front of one of the mall building entrances.

Dying Light
Dying Light. The sun sinks further with the clouds looking more vivid but for the price of the surroundings getting darker. That's when the bulbs come alive. The lights change and the landscape's mood changes altogether.

Sunset Fill
Sunset Fill. Turning my back from the sun, I got me a natural light source that gently illuminates everything. Despite the dying light, the orange sunset still makes it a decent fill light. The lamps that started to turn on make the place look more orange than it is.

Blue And Orange
Blue And Orange. With a bit of sun left still, I strolled to another location to get a different angle on the mall entrance. This time though the sun just mostly illuminates the sky. I like how the huge roof looks quite imposing making the building looks bigger due to it. I like the contrasting colors in this courtesy of the vivid blue sky with the clouds turning a bit purple and fiery tungsten lights.

Fully Booked
Fully Booked. After shooting the mall entrance I strolled back the way I came and saw this view. I've been here earlier in the afternoon but now with the change in the lighting it appears more interesting to me. I like this particular place. At the end of the walkway is Press Cafe and across in are more delicious places to eat.

The Ramp
The Ramp. It's the end of my day, sadly. The afternoon flew by too fast. Night fell and it is dark again. Time for me to go back home. This ramp goes to the second level parking.

Impromptu Nightshot
Impromptu Nightshot. When I got to the second level of the parking facility I found some vacant slots and decided to have a look at what lies beyond the railings. I thought the cars passing cars would make some interesting light streaks. Yes the day isn't complete without a long exposure shoot. It's not that long though, just 4 seconds exposure time. With the structure subtly vibrating with all the cars going up and down the ramp, I didn't deem it wise to take long exposure shots from a relatively shaky place.

And so that ends my little weekend adventure. I had fun that afternoon. It's an unfamiliar place but I still felt somewhat at home. Thank you for joining me, Here's an adorable video of the folks at Stone Cold Creamery. I think they're worth a re-post. It's not everyday you see folks dancing at your local ice cream place. Yes, I'm easy I enjoy the simple things.

Until then, let's get lost and wander! :-)

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