Saturday, April 18, 2015

Here, There, Anywhere...

Hello again, fellow wanderers! How have you been? As usual, a week isn't complete without me going to some random place. Life isn't meant to be lived in one place, after all. I think it's a decent compromise to at least go places on a weekend if you can't roam the planet... yet. Here's a glimpse of the places I've been to recently... Can you guess where some of them were taken?

Coffee Selection
Coffee Selection. See anything you like?
Stacks of different coffee flavors and variants at a local Starbucks.

Waiting For Customers
Waiting For Customers. The waiter looks on as he waits for potential customers walking through the door.

Music Among The Noise
Music Among The Noise. A musician performs at the mall with everyone else passing by,
with a few stopping to listen.

Open Faced
Open Faced. Taken with a Rokinon 7.5mm 3.5 lens.
The lens is far from perfect but the distortion is part of its charm.

Shangri-La. Applied HDR landscape style.
Not bad for something taken somewhere relatively dark.

Love All, Serve All
Love All, Serve All. Chilling at a local coffee spot waiting for rush hour to pass, with the view of the Hard Rock Cafe slogan on top of Glorietta 3. Iced Sumiyaki is love! Taken at UCC in front of Glorietta 3.

Empty Chair
Empty Chair. Behind the empty chair is the Shangri-la Hotel and an office building.
Trying out this faux HDR effect.

Beneath The Giants
Beneath The Giants. Aiming the fisheye lens up makes some interesting distortions.

Alright, I saved my favorite in this batch for last... I liked this particular photo for its vibrant colors, its angle (this image actually looks surreal both in portrait or landscape orientation)... And then there's that... (cough! glasses... cough!)

Chillin' After Work
Chillin' After Work. Folks are relaxing at the local UCC coffee shop. The crowd here is quite diverse. I actually have an epic crush on that lady with glasses in white. No, I haven't seen her before. She was really standing out among the crowd. Perhaps it's the eye catching glasses or the elegant hair or that simple yet divine top. Well I never really got to talk to her lest I creep her out (Yes, there are some things that some people can't outgrow.)... Some of us are more socially awkward than others.

What? I think she's lovely and cute... Whoever that is. (*blush*)

Until then, let's get lost and wander. :-)

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