Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Shooting In The Dark

During workdays this is what I see when I step out to grab dinner.
I'm amazed at how much detail it got. Taken hand held too.

It was another long night. I didn't want to just stay at home. So I decided to get lost somewhere... Again.
It was a lonely night and I was trying to keep the blues at bay. Instead of just contaminating my home with the bad vibes I decided to take a hike. After some shopping I went to BGC and had dinner.

View from the parking lot. Not the best of my moon shots though.
It just looks like a glowing blob here.

I decided there's not much to shoot here so I decided to go home... But not until after I revisit  my old hangout: Ayala Triangle. I stopped by the coffee shop and after that before leaving, I thought I'd try to see what I can get shooting a practically pitch black environment. It's actually a pleasant surprise.

I got some surprising amount of detail aiming at the dark. ISO 5000, 1/4 sec. exposure with f/3.5 gave me this. Also, this was taken hand held.

Sat on a bench and limited the ISO to 200 and aperture to f/5.6, I compensated with exposure time at 6 seconds and I got this.

Just to give an idea as to about how dark it was. This kinda nails it.

It still  doesn't stop me though. It gives a different effect.

A little adjustment and I got to capture the scene with a bit more brightness.

Pathway going out.

I should do this more often.

Now I'm fairly happy with the pictures I got (Yes, I'm not hard to please. LOL) I decided to go home. It's midnight already after all.

Until then, let's get lost and wander. :)

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