Monday, September 22, 2014

Harbor Square Afternoon

Empty Chairs on a Cloudy Afternoon

I hardly go to Harbor Square these days. These were taken from a few months ago when I was with my dad and bro. Harbor Square will always have its charm for me though. It's where I learned a lot when I was practicing the very basics in Photography. I practically learned how to do night photography in Harbor Square.

Of course, having a day job means not being able to do it regularly. I usually go here at night, but being here in mornings or afternoons isn't bad either... If you know where to look.

Empty Tables In The Afternoon. Things usually pick up here around dinner time. Around the afternoon this is a usual sight in the restaurants in Harbor Square.

Cocoon Light - No, this is not a Kaiju egg about to hatch. It's just a lantern with a light bulb inside.

The Metro Manila Skyline seen from Harbor Square captured with a Fisheye lens.

Another angle including the clouds.

I'm pretty sure the chain means "Don't go beyond this point and jump."

A not so dramatic sunset shot.

This is one of the things anyone will commonly see in Harbor Square. I still think this is the ultimate chick magnet, more than any fancy car. This is one ridiculously expensive rich boy toy.

Until then, let's get lost and wander. :)

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