Saturday, August 16, 2014

Last Friday Night At Burgos Circle

It was one of the rare Friday nights I experienced this year- Friday with no work currently nor in the morning. I got to meet up and have a couple of bottles with some buddies at the office. At the end of the night, a bit of wanderlust struck me...

Wide and Bent. Courtesy of a fisheye lens.
"This is too early to go home and sleep," I mused to myself.
"... It's not everyday that you're out here with a camera on a Friday night. Let's walk a bit."

And so I did...

I strolled a bit towards Burgos Circle and started snapping away...

The Three Trunked Tree is a lie.

Trees Overshadowed By Progress

The lens was so wide that it captured the lamp above. Er, "Beam Me Up, Scotty?"

Bright Lights Under A Dark Sky

Below The Giants

After all that walking and snapping, I ended up here....

They say the burger here is really good.

I found this intriguing, so I stepped in...

Wouldn't it be nice to live here? Just go downstairs across the street for some burger

I was full that night though. So I only bought take out for breakfast. I like the place though, and I'll definitely return. Until next time, let's get lost and wander. :)

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