Saturday, August 16, 2014

Last Friday Night At Burgos Circle

It was one of the rare Friday nights I experienced this year- Friday with no work currently nor in the morning. I got to meet up and have a couple of bottles with some buddies at the office. At the end of the night, a bit of wanderlust struck me...

Wide and Bent. Courtesy of a fisheye lens.
"This is too early to go home and sleep," I mused to myself.
"... It's not everyday that you're out here with a camera on a Friday night. Let's walk a bit."

And so I did...

I strolled a bit towards Burgos Circle and started snapping away...

The Three Trunked Tree is a lie.

Trees Overshadowed By Progress

The lens was so wide that it captured the lamp above. Er, "Beam Me Up, Scotty?"

Bright Lights Under A Dark Sky

Below The Giants

After all that walking and snapping, I ended up here....

They say the burger here is really good.

I found this intriguing, so I stepped in...

Wouldn't it be nice to live here? Just go downstairs across the street for some burger

I was full that night though. So I only bought take out for breakfast. I like the place though, and I'll definitely return. Until next time, let's get lost and wander. :)

Last Friday Night At Burgos Circle

It was one of the rare Friday nights I experienced this year- Friday with no work currently nor in the morning. I got to meet up and have a couple of bottles with some buddies at the office. At the end of the night, a bit of wanderlust struck me...

Wide and Bent. Courtesy of a fisheye lens.
"This is too early to go home and sleep," I mused to myself.
"... It's not everyday that you're out here with a camera on a Friday night. Let's walk a bit."

And so I did...

I strolled a bit towards Burgos Circle and started snapping away...

The Three Trunked Tree is a lie.

Trees Overshadowed By Progress

The lens was so wide that it captured the lamp above. Er, "Beam Me Up, Scotty?"

Bright Lights Under A Dark Sky

Below The Giants

After all that walking and snapping, I ended up here....

They say the burger here is really good.

I found this intriguing, so I stepped in...

Wouldn't it be nice to live here? Just go downstairs across the street for some burger

I was full that night though. So I only bought take out for breakfast. I like the place though, and I'll definitely return. Until next time, let's get lost and wander. :)

Friday, August 1, 2014

Sunday At Ayala Triangle

I've never been to Ayala Triangle. For starters, I thought the place wasn't open to the public to  begin with. I thought it's part of the property of Makati Stock Exchange and Philippine Stock Exchange... And, well, not open to the public. Good thing I'm wrong. Basically, I got kinda lost again and had a good time. :)

Whoa. I didn't know there was a park here.

Today I wasn't alone though. I got a chance to meet up with Hani (Her blog here) and we got a chance to take some pictures. She's fairly new to photography so I got to show her the ropes. (Yes, I teach basic photography to anyone who asks or wants to know. It's a me thing I guess.)

I never actually imagined that there'd be a grassy park here. LOL

She uses her left eye. Just like yours truly.  It can be awkward at times but you'll get used to it.

The closer you get the more delectable it looks.

Yes, I'm shooting some creepy doll figures again. Different effects in the gallery.

I don't know what tree this is but I like it. Notice how it branches out early on instead of having the trunk go up high first.

When was the last time you looked up and saw leaves and branches giving you shade instead of a roof or other buildings?

Look at this tile! Look at it.

Yeah they put a park here. They indeed made it happen.

Alone Together

Add some deep inspirational quote there somewhere...

This appears to me like a metaphor for something. I can't find the words to describe it though.

Makati City 1980. Ok, not really. I like the retro look though.

If I add everything here the whole thing will be too long. Here's the gallery for the pictures from this day.

At the end of the afternoon we parted ways. She went on to attend to some affairs, and I went to attend my afternoon affairs (Read: SLEEP. I was up all night.) Next time, we'll talk about equivalence, composition, among other things I guess.
Take note, not all of the effects here are from camera filters. I was also trying out the impressive list of effects from Photobucket.

There we go. That was a fun weekend. I should do that and go out more often. Until next time, let's get lost and wander. :)

Sunday At Ayala Triangle

I've never been to Ayala Triangle. For starters, I thought the place wasn't open to the public to  begin with. I thought it's part of the property of Makati Stock Exchange and Philippine Stock Exchange... And, well, not open to the public. Good thing I'm wrong. Basically, I got kinda lost again and had a good time. :)

Whoa. I didn't know there was a park here.

Today I wasn't alone though. I got a chance to meet up with Hani (Her blog here) and we got a chance to take some pictures. She's fairly new to photography so I got to show her the ropes. (Yes, I teach basic photography to anyone who asks or wants to know. It's a me thing I guess.)

I never actually imagined that there'd be a grassy park here. LOL

She uses her left eye. Just like yours truly.  It can be awkward at times but you'll get used to it.

The closer you get the more delectable it looks.

Yes, I'm shooting some creepy doll figures again. Different effects in the gallery.

I don't know what tree this is but I like it. Notice how it branches out early on instead of having the trunk go up high first.

When was the last time you looked up and saw leaves and branches giving you shade instead of a roof or other buildings?

Look at this tile! Look at it.

Yeah they put a park here. They indeed made it happen.

Alone Together

Add some deep inspirational quote there somewhere...

This appears to me like a metaphor for something. I can't find the words to describe it though.

Makati City 1980. Ok, not really. I like the retro look though.

If I add everything here the whole thing will be too long. Here's the gallery for the pictures from this day.

At the end of the afternoon we parted ways. She went on to attend to some affairs, and I went to attend my afternoon affairs (Read: SLEEP. I was up all night.) Next time, we'll talk about equivalence, composition, among other things I guess.
Take note, not all of the effects here are from camera filters. I was also trying out the impressive list of effects from Photobucket.

There we go. That was a fun weekend. I should do that and go out more often. Until next time, let's get lost and wander. :)

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